I've been trying to buy a panel saw (sheet saw?) for some time, but have been told that they havn't been made for many years. I was lent one a year or two ago, and found it much better for cutting large sheets of brass than the jigsaw I had been using.
As I can't just buy one, I took an old wood saw, and ground off the cutting points. I then made up brackets to mount a fine-toothed 12 inch hacksaw blade, and drilled the saw blade to suit (A solid carbide drill goes straight through the saw steel)
It might look a bit odd - but it works. Its as easy as can be to cut a straight line right through a 4 ft by 2 ft brass sheet. I might get round to tidying the saw up - the real thing is styled like a tenon saw without the tenon. And there seems to be no need for a blade tensioner because of the way the saw works.
My Dad was a Carpenter and could build almost anything. He allways had a shed where he would make his stuff, I'll never for get the smell of fesh ciut wood every time I would walk in there.. Watching you build your trains reminds me of my Dad . Nice memories thanks for those..