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Boiler 3

Some of my boiler making tools.

I formed the taper barrel using a set of bending rolls. I decieded that the chances of cutting the sheet to exactly the right dimensions was pretty small - the copper stretches when rolled - so I left the sheet oversize, and planned to cut it after forming. I know this makes for less convenient cutting, but at least it wont be short.
Just as well; after annealing and rolling, the taper ended up at the opposite end to what I'd planned - it didn't matter one little bit. So once it was almost to shape, I could work out exactly where to cut it.
I rechecked the dimensions once I'd got rid of the overlap, and found there was still a little to file off.

I drilled the strap and riveted it to one side, pulled the barrel up tight with a strap, and drilled and riveted the other side. Before doing so, all the surfaces were finally cleaned and covered with flux.
I laid two strips of (high temperature) silver solder at the centre joint, and added some more flux. I heated it mainly from underneath - with the strap at the bottom and once the solder flowed,added some to the rivet heads. Then I rotated the boiler so the strap was at the top and added more solder, again including the rivets. A few minutes in the pickle bath left me with a clean barrel, which I marked off and trimmed to size - in typical GWR fashion, all the taper is at the top, with the base of the barrel horizontal.

I could now do a trial assembly on most of the boiler; I'll use a few copper rivets to keep the components in place during soldering - but for the time being, I use 8ba bolts in these holes.

The trickiest bit for me was to drill for the cross stays needed on a Belpaire firebox. The problems are that everything slopes, and the reference dimensions are on the firebox inner, so not visible. In the end, I marked and drilled pilot holes on the girder stays, and put in a rod ground to a point at each end. Then I assembled the firebox and used a wedge to drive the rod into the outer walls, giving me centre pops. I transfered these to the outside with large springbow calipers - and a lot of checking. I drilled through the end holes, then could mark out the intermediate holes more sensibly. After a lot of checking, I had all the stay holes in place - as pilot holes. A couple needed 'adjusting' as the drill wandered on the inner surfaces -probably because the surfaces are not all horizontal. I had to enlarge some of the holes in the girder stay to get everything in line. Once I'd got them all lined up, I made up a small 'scribe' which mounted on the pilot rods, so that I could get the holes to their final diameter in the correct position. I hope the photos show what I did. The final diameter of the girder stay holes was 3/8 inch - I couldn't use a drill as it would just have grabbed and damaged things, so it was a matter of grinding with the Dremmel and filing.

I've left the holes in the outer wrapper just as pilot holes for the moment - in case I burn them; I would rather not have drilled them at all at this stage, but I couldn't see how to do them later!
Now I cut both the inner and outer wrappers to size - except for where the backhead joins the outer wrapper.

Its now just a matter of soldering things up. Its often recommended to do this in very few heats. I find it more reassuring to do more smaller ones - a very real problem is that once the job is up to temperature, the flux doesn't last long, and at that stage all you can do is stop.


Dianne said…
Hey Normal, I love all that copper the pics are great, funny some of what your saying I'm starting to understand a bit:):)
I keep reading it all and some of it is ticking in my head LOL.
This is an amazing process and a lot of work.. The end product your beautiful train will be all worth it I'm sure...
Your a genius...

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